Friday, November 14, 2008

Another Dissapointment

Zoom Zoom the gerbil has passed on.
It looks like the Cubs are letting Kerry Wood go to free agency.
I had the stomach flu this week.

All in all, not the best week ever.

Thesis Watch: today Word decided to only write in CAPITAL LETTERS no matter what I did to the Caps Lock key. Not a good writing day.

Book Rec: Sunshine by Robin McKinley. Comfort book.

Cubbie Watch: Now that was just stupid.


Anonymous said...

Control-shift-a will do that. Hit control-shift-a again and then the caps-lock key.

Rogue Unicorn said...

Thanks for the advice, anonymous. (FYI Caps Lock is working fine today. Happily typing along) Do you have a name?

Anonymous said...

Bela Sarah. :)

Restarting Word works too, but the key-combination is much faster...

Rogue Unicorn said...

well hello dear.
how are those kiddos?